Dear Parent/Guardian,

Primary students have commenced the school with a high level of enthusiasm and have demonstrated a positive approach to their academic studies. Very quickly, we are heading towards the end of Term 1 and students enjoyed the opportunity to demonstrate leadership and responsibility on their part.

School SRCs, class captains, house captains and school captains have been chosen and they have taken up their roles to do different jobs around the school. This develops a sense of responsibility and promotes leadership skills which are essential for their lives.

It is a requirement that students comply with the school uniform policy. Teachers will check uniform on regular basis and the ongoing support of families on these matters is greatly appreciated. Please ensure that they wear P.E. uniform only on their sport days. In Term 1 and Term 4, we have ‘No hat, no play’ policy and students must wear navy blue school hats. Please buy hats from school if your child hasn’t got one or has lost it. It is very important to label all clothing items as it helps us to locate the owner, in case they lose it.

Homework is an important component of a child’s education at Sirius College. It extends classroom learning while teaching them self- discipline and organisational skills. It fosters good study habits and provides an opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning. In addition, it serves as a valuable means of communication between home and school about a child’s progress. We expect that all children complete their weekly homework and parents must sign when they complete all assigned tasks. Please ensure that they complete online homework assigned on Mathletics and Reading Eggs as well.

We expect that all children will experience at least fifteen to twenty minutes of uninterrupted reading at home each day. The amount of time given will depend on age and ability levels of students. We ask that parents read to, and with, their children, especially in primary school.

Parent teacher interviews are coming up soon and instructions for booking school interviews are given in this edition of the newsletter. Please choose the time that suits you to discuss the progress of your child at school. If you have any problems in booking interviews, please contact our office. These interviews will be for ten minutes each and please be on time. If you need more time to discuss other matters, please book another time with relevant teachers on some other day to discuss your concerns.

Thanks for your ongoing support and cooperation. We look forward to working with you and ensuring that your child/children get engaging and rewarding experiences at Sirius College.

Kind regards,

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Acting Primary Coordinator